Quick Details
Adult return ferry
A$ 37
Concession & Senior return ferry
A$ 34
Children return ferry (4-16yrs inc.)
A$ 22
Family (2 adults + 2 kids)
A$ 100
Show Entry
Adults (16 years and over)
A$ 12.50
Show Entry
Seniors (Pension Cards ONLY must be shown on arrival)
A$ 7.50
Show Entry
Kids under 16 years
The 31st Annual Bellarine Agricultural Show
Portarlington, Sunday 12th March 2023 (Labour Day long weekend) from 9 am
The Bellarine Agricultural Show prides itself on being a traditional country show reflecting old-fashioned country values. There truly is something for the whole family, and thanks to the Agriculture Victoria Grant, all Children under 16 go FREE!
Make getting there, part of the adventure by taking the ferry from Docklands. Avoid the long drive and parking, when you arrive it’s only a short stroll from the ferry terminal to Portarlington Recreation Reserve.
The show provides an important forum for the rural community to gather together to showcase their wares, share their skills and educate the wider community. A prime example of this is the extensive array of produce, art and handcrafts on display throughout the pavilions. There will also be various demonstrations on offer from sheep shearing to lace-making.
Be sure to check out the new features for 2023!