You're in Safe Hands
COVID-19 Safety Response:
As always, safety is the number one priority for Port Phillip Ferries. We maintain a number of measures to keep passengers safe on board.
In line with Victorian Government announcements made on 21st September 2022, fitted face masks are no longer mandatory when travelling on public transport but are instead strongly recommended following the existing indoor mask recommendations.
Face masks remain a highly effective tool to help reduce transmission and protect the most at-risk members of the community. Port Phillip Ferries will continue to make masks available for passengers that request one and will provide additional cleaning of all high-touch surfaces with disinfectant before and after each service.
Socially distanced and responsible service of alcohol is available onboard at our licensed cafe.
For further information please refer to the Victorian Government website;
These measures are subject to change depending on State and Federal Government requirements surrounding COVID-19. Updates to Port Phillip Ferries operations will be available on this page and through our social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – so be sure to follow along for all the latest news
For the latest Victorian and Australian Government COVID Health advice please visit: Australian Government Health website | Victorian Government Health website
Vaccination Requirements travelling with Port Phillip Ferries
In line with the current Victorian Government Roadmap, public transport operators do not require passenger proof of COVID-19 vaccination. However, this position is subject to change and is something Port Phillip Ferries will monitor closely and adhere to as the Victorian Government advice changes.
As public transport operators, Port Phillip Ferries can continue to take bookings and welcome people on board our ferry services.
Our travel partners, including but not limited to restaurants, attractions, accommodation providers and tour operators, may require proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon booking or entry. For further information, please verify with each operator or visit the Victorian Government COVID-19 website
Port Phillip Ferries complies with the Victorian State Government mandatory vaccination requirements and will continue the high level of COVID-19 safety protocols in place since the beginning of the pandemic. These include contactless ticketing, the recommended wearing of face masks while onboard, social distanced markers, additional cleaning services before and after each service.
We are implementing the following steps to ensure your safety during travel:

Additional Cleaning
All high-touch surfaces will be disinfected before and after each service.

Keep Your Distance
Give others space and
keep your distance where you can.

Fitted Face Mask (Recommended)
Fitted face masks are strongly recommended in line with Victorian Government’s existing indoor mask recommendations

Practice Good Hygiene
Wash your hands with soap
regularly and then dry.
Cough or sneeze into
your elbow

Pre-book Your Tickets
Tickets must be pre-booked: either online or from the Portarlington Post Office. There will be no landside / onboard sales.

We're Going Cashless
The café will not be
accepting cash sales
onboard until
otherwise advised.

Stay Home if You're Sick
If you are feeling unwell,
please don’t travel.

Ferry Bicycle Policy
To ensure the safety of passengers and the proper functioning of our bike racks, we have established a bicycle policy. Click here to view >>